(Note: These rules are designed as a general guide but in all matters the Club's Constitution takes precedence)


Chatham Table Tennis Club was founded to promote the sport of Table Tennis as a worthwhile and rewarding sporting pursuit, to provide a facility for players of all ages and of all
standards to enjoy the game whether it be in a competitive sense or purely for recreational purposes.

Within that main framework, the club is committed, in particular, to encouraging and attracting younger players to the game and to develop their skills through planned and organised coaching.

These aims can only be achieved in an atmosphere which is friendly but well structured and, in which, all of those players are equally and totally committed to playing Table Tennis.


In order to maintain that structure, it is necessary that ALL players are completely aware of the expected standards of behaviour that are associated completely aware of the
expected standards of behaviour that are associated with all clubs of this nature. A failure to do so results in spoiling the enjoyment of others and, eventually, leads to total disruption. 

The Club Committee, who are unpaid volunteers who devote a lot of their time and efforts in the administration of the Club, will not allow such disruption to occur.

Subsequently, all members of CTTC will observe the following Standards of Behaviour:

(i) Your purpose in attending the Club is to play TABLE TENNIS and to respect the desire of others who wish to do that in an atmosphere and under conditions that are conducive to the sport.

(ii) Such an atmosphere denies you the right to participate in any other physical activities such as chasing around the playing areas, interrupting other games, kicking balls of any kind, immature horseplay of any type, abuse of tables and equipment and any other behaviour which could be construed as unsporting conduct.

(iii) Bad language, personal argument and taunting or humiliation of other players will not be tolerated.

(i) No player has a "divine right" to represent the Club in competitive events. That honour has to be earned by showing total commitment and correct behaviour. 

(ii) Our Club is judged by visiting teams on the behaviour of our players and the courtesy that they display. CTTC will not tolerate discourtesy to visitors under any circumstances.

(iii) A competitive team consists of 3 players and those 3 players chosen will remain as a unified team throughout the whole of the match. When not actually involved on the table, the other two players are expected to stay in the seating area and support their team mate.

(iv) It has long been a tradition of our sport that you apologise to your opponent for "lucky shots" (ie. Net cords, edges etc.,) and to not outwardly show anger when your opponent gains a lucky shot - it is all part of the game and such luck tends to even itself out. Such a tradition is paramount to good sportsmanship in the game and this club will maintain it.

(v) As in all sports, the umpire will be unbiased in decisions and that decision is not questioned by any player. When not involved on the table, ALL players will take their turn in umpiring a match.

(vi) When returning a ball, that has gone oft the table to an opponent, it must be done simply and correctly in order that the game may proceed. Slamming a ball back in anger or in such a way as to make it difficult for the opponent to retrieve is unforgivable behaviour.

(vii) Tantrums such as throwing a bat down, banging or kicking the table or verbal abuse of your opponent is displaying total disregard for the etiquettes of the game.

(viii) ALL CTTC team players must be gracious in defeat and congratulate their opponent. Win or lose - do not leave the playing area without

(ix) When playing a match at our home venue, the opposing team are our GUESTS and must be treated as such. Afford them the courtesy that guests deserve to ensure their comfort, well-being, refreshments, facilities etc.,

(x) When the match is completed you must ensure that all 3 members of the Club team are, under normal circumstances, present to bid farewell and to thank the opposing team for the match.


(i) It is ESSENTIAL that matches commence at 7.30pm or shortly afterwards. For that reason tables and nets etc., need to be in place BEFORE that time. Do NOT expect to turn up for a match to find this has been done for you - it is your team's responsibility! 

(ii) If you want some pre-match practice time then allow for this in your arrival time.

(iii) It is common courtesy that, on the opposing team's arrival, you immediately vacate the table to allow them to "knock-up".

(iv) If you are the "home" side, you must ensure you have a clean match ball and that you have completed the home team names on the results card BEFORE handing the card to your opponents for their team names and order of play.

(v) When the match is completed it is the responsibility of ALL MEMBERS of the HOME SIDE to dismantle the table and net, return them to the appropriate storage area, clear chairs etc., and to ensure the area is left clear of cups, cans and any other litter.

(vi) If a committee member is present, the HOME team captain must make them aware of the final result of your match. That team captain also has the responsibility to post the result card to the appropriate divisional secretary (see handbook) unless a committee member has agreed to perform that duty on your behalf.


The Chatham Table Tennis Club Committee reserve the right to impose the following disciplinary actions in the event of any of the foregoing rules being breached or disregarded:

(i) On the first occasion, the offender will receive a verbal reprimand and an explanation as to why the particular behaviour was unacceptable and an understanding agreed that it will not be repeated.

(ii) A failure to heed that verbal warning and a subsequent re-offence will result in a formal written warning (in the case of junior players, this will be sent directly to the parents) which will demand an improvement in behavioural attitudes.

(iii) Should these two initial actions fail to correct the behaviour then this WILL result in the offender in being permanently barred from club membership and it will be at the discretion of the committee as to whether any pre-paid subscriptions will be returned.


The Committee accepts that the large majority of Club Members behave accordingly and it does not wish to offend those who do so. Unfortunately, however, there will always be the few who show no respect for others in their bad behaviour and poor attitudes. Chatham Table Tennis Club have ambitions to become highly respected throughout our sport and we can not afford to tolerate those who would seek to mar those ambitions. 


The essence of good ethical conduct and practice is summarised below. All volunteers must:

· consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of performance.

· develop an appropriate working relationship with performers, based on mutual trust and respect.

· make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part

· promote the positive aspects of the sport (eg fair play)

· display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance

· follow all guidelines laid down by the national governing body and the club

· hold the appropriate, valid qualifications, CRB disclosure and insurance cover

· never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward

· never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibitive substances

· encourage performers to value their performances and not just results.

· This club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity:

Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.

· The club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.

· The club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.

· All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.

· The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures.